martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

yvonne strzechowski

It's a good thing Chuck has a kick ass chick protecting him. He'd be eaten alive in the world of superspies. Sarah Walker (Yvonne Strzechowski) is the latest of television's gun toting, but kicking babes. She's sent to keep Chuck safe after he downloads government information.

Yvonne Strzechowski on Chuck
"She's a great character," Said Strzechowski. "She's very strong. She's really intelligent and she's very physically capable. I like to put that into my own life as well."

Following in the footsteps of Sydney Bristow and Buffy, Strzechowski admires her many predecessors. "People like Uma Thurman, when she killed Bill, that was awesome. I loved that."

This big break will introduce Americans to the Australian actress, who actually hails from a Polish family. "I was born in Australia. Everyone [in my family] is from Poland except for me."

Now she is adjusting to Hollywood life on the weekly series.

"Obviously here the industry factor, this is a much bigger film and television industry than Australia, and a lot of Australians are coming here for that reason because Australia is dying a little bit in that aspect. Personally the traffic bothers me in L.A."

Just tuned into Josh Schwartz's new geekedy, Chuck, and it pretty much rules. The writing it witty, the premise is hilarious, and the characters are just as loveable as Season 1 Sandy and Seth Cohen, Summer Roberts, and Luke Ward (all from Josh's former hit, The O.C.).

Chuck is like an adult version of the sarcastic and nerdy Seth Cohen, while his sidekick Morgan is a poor man's Seth Green (they only sprinkle him throughout the episode, which makes it bearable). Yvonne Strzechowski, who plays CIA agent Sarah Walker kicks ass álà Angelina Jolie in Mr and Mrs. Smith (a bad movie, but great spy ass kicking scenes). Plus, all the nerd humor is spot on rather than condescending or negative. Case in point, during a commercial I channel surfed to CBS where another geeky show was premiering, The Big Bang Theory and they were making Klingon jokes (really, people are still making those?). I don't want to judge BBT since I only caught a few seconds of it, but I can tell you there were no Klingon jokes on Chuck.

For those of you on the west coast you need to Tivo this. For the rest of you guys, what did you think?

Wired writer Mark Anderson gave Chuck a 7/10, saying that the show "forgets its core audience at times and pushes the action-adventure angle too far, like some network suit never figured out this isn't Alias: The Geek Years." Which reminds me, when are they going to give Alias' Marshall his own show? He and Dwight Schrute could be roomies in the hit sitcom of the decade!

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