martes, 18 de septiembre de 2007

wwe unforgiven

Here is a quick explanation of the 4R's. I will take the 4 main shows (5 if I go RetRo) of the week: TNA Impact, WWE Raw, ECW on Sci-Fi and WWE Smackdown. If we have a PPV, that show will get a special PPV edition of the R's all to its own. I then group my feelings on the shows in various categories: The Right, the wRong and the Ridiculous. The Right is stuff that worked very well: a great promo, a great match and so on. PuRgatoRy is a section between the right and wrong. It shows equal traits from both sides that cannot be ignored and need discussed. It is not a bad place per say, as things can get remedied or go the wrong way the very next week. The wRong is what it sounds like: bad matches, bad or boring promos and so on. The Ridiculous is stuff that had no right on TV: Stupid angles, Diva searches and so on. And there is always a possibility of a 5th R, which is as bad as they come, unless you are TNA. They have a special R all of their own, the 6th R; the Russo-FN-Riffic~!

This column is supposed to be analytical, and at the right time very critical of the shows, it was the whole reason it was created. This is not a "mark" column, nor a "smark" column, I cannot speak for Geoff, but my goal is to analyze the show from many different fronts, reward the good and call out the bad. There are also occasions where I will bring out a 5th or even a 6th R to the column, so beware of those~! I will not apologize for my opinions, they are as they are, whether very positive or negative.
WORLD TITLE MATCH - The only right for this show, and best match of the night was the World Title Match between Khali, Batista and Rey Mysterio. Let me say this again, the only right for this show, and best match of the night was the World Title Match between Khali, Batista and Rey Mysterio. First of all they did good build to the match on the show. First of all they showed a video from WWE Mobile with Rey Mysterio. Rey explained that he was not 100% and that he would still be there, to put to rest what all of the doubters had to say. He said he would shock the world like he did when he first won the title. When asked about the Khali vice, he said that no one could stop it not even Batista. He said that you don't try to counter the hold, but that you had to stay away from the hold. Later on they interviewed Batista, and he said that the time had come for him to put up or shut up, and tonight he would leave the champion once again. Khali and Rajah they did an interview in which Khali said he had already defeated and beat down both men and would gladly do it again, Rajah took a cantaloupe, put a Rey mask on it and Khali crushed it with his hands. He then took a big round watermelon and did the same thing to represent Batista. This was all good shit, and led to the match perfectly. Now I will admit that I was not too high on the match itself, due to Batista usually being shitty on PPV and the fact that Cena has been the only one able to get great PPV stuff from Khali. WWE did what I asked here, they proved me wrong and this was good stuff. They worked hard, and when they got near the end they picked up big. Rey would get the 619 to both men, drop the dime on Khali and looked to be regaining the title. But Batista would grab Rey and powerbomb him onto Khali, toss him aside, give the big spinebuster to Khali and that was that. Batista had to win here after being in every title match for SD sine the beginning of time it seems. It came off well and I dug it, good stuff here.


WWE TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - The WWE tag team titles saw the PPV stage this month as MVP and Matt Hardy, the new odd couple, teamed to defend the titles against the former champs Deuce and Domino. The real story of the match, of course, was the interaction between Hardy and MVP, and their constant efforts to one up each other. This included then stealing each other's moves and mannerisms during the match to piss off the other, which was great. MVP even teased leaving at one point, but when Matt kept surviving he rushed back to the ring. In the end Matt got back at MVP by tossing him into Domino, allowing Matt to TOF Deuce and get the pin. Matt then got some one up action again, posing with all of the belts. This was all excellent angle stuff between Matt and MVP, but damn do Deuce and Domino still suck or what? I mean, they suck badly. And again, the fact is the match didn't even feel like a PPV match; it felt like a match I can see on free TV on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. To me that is unacceptable. This show costs $40 and people expect a good effort, they expect great matches and memories; the things they have programmed us to want. But they did not deliver that here and in the end, a match that could have been pretty good or great came off as "just a TV match," and that's a shame. What could have been…

WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH - Here's a question for you, if a match happens and no one gives a shit, did it actually happen? Obviously the match happened between London/Kendrick and the Dervish, but I hate to say that no one cared. And that is because WWE has given us no reason to care. They took London/Kendrick from Smackdown after a lackluster year long title run and moved them to Raw with no fanfare, no reason to care about them and then feuded them with the tag team champions, that we haven't been given a reason to care about since the Hardy's broke up. In theory that is a recipe for disaster and it was because the crowd was COLD and no matter what they tried it did not work, no one cared. It is a shame because the match could have been good, but instead we got another match that didn't even feel like a PPV match; it felt like a match I can see on free TV on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. To me that is unacceptable. This show costs $40 and people expect a good effort, they expect great matches and memories; the things they have programmed us to want. But they did not deliver that here and in the end, a match that could have been pretty good or great came off as "just a TV match," and that's a shame. What could have been…

WWE Women's Title Match - The WWE Women's Title match is next up to discuss. I have to say a few things, that being that they did work hard out there, but for as much as Candice has improved she still take some scary looking bumps and may in fact kill herself, I hope not. But they worked hard, Candice had some extensions going on and had them ripped out, with made Beth look even better as she was killing her out there. Candice got the flash roll up out on nowhere, and after all of the abuse was able to take the match. I was really hoping that they would pull the change to Beth, but they didn't and it should be all right. It had that Cena vs. Umaga quality, where she was dominated and got the sneaky roll up for the win. If Beth wins in the rematch we're ok, if not it is poor booking I feel. And I know that you may be sick and tired of hearing this, but the fact is, again, that the match didn't even feel like a PPV match; it felt like a match I can see on free TV on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. To me that is unacceptable. This show costs $40 and people expect a good effort, they expect great matches and memories; the things they have programmed us to want. But they did not deliver that here and in the end, a match that could have been pretty good or great came off as "just a TV match," and that's a shame. What could have been…

The wRong:

ECW TITLE MATCH - Oh yes, the good old ECW Title match. Once again my point is proven that they do not give two shits about this title as they got to open that show. Nothing says this is not important like throwing it out there first. So they have Punk come out first, which I hate because he's the champion and they give him a video package about winning the ECW Title. They come back from this video package and Elijah Burke is STANDING IN THE RING! NO ENTRANCE, no nothing, just a big old jobber! He has been Punk's bitch for 9-months and they did nothing to hide the fact that he was going to lose here, they sent the message in the booking and with the beginning of the match. And I think WWE realized this, so they tried to repair the booking and had Burke dominate about 90% of the match, They got about 12-minutes, Burke dominated and in the end Punk won with a FLASH ROLL UP! Yes, the roll up out of desperation. Styles and Tazz tried to put over that Burke "had Punk's number and obviously deserves a rematch because he dominated the match." Right. This was an attempt as repairing the booking, but it didn't work. The fans were on their hands and generally didn't care. The fact is that the match didn't even feel like a PPV match; it felt like a match I can see on free TV on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. To me that is unacceptable. This show costs $40 and people expect a good effort, they expect great matches and memories; the things they have programmed us to want. But they did not deliver that here and in the end, a match that could have been pretty good or great came off as "just a TV match," and that's a shame. What could have been…

NO DQ FOR CARLITO - I think that we all knew how this match would end, with HHH making the superman comeback and that's fine, because he is the star, But when you book the match right, the star can win and make the guy he is facing into a star in the process. That's doing good business, which didn't exactly happen here. HHH easily dominated half of the match until Carlito was given some sympathy heat. You knew HHH wasn't in serous work mode when he ate a shot with the ring bell and didn't blade. The H's doesn't mind blading for the big matches, but this was beneath him apparently and would have made Carlito look good and apparently we could not have that. As I mentioned Carlito got the pseudo heat on HHH, and then gets the old school heel trick of the powder to the face, goes to get a chair and brings it in and…MAGICALLY HHH CAN SEE! He got a spinebuster, a low blow, kick wham pedigree and that was that, thanks for coming Carlito, you've been…

And sorry Randle, I know you seem to think I wouldn't use it here but Carlito was in fact BERRIED~! Now we all know that HHH was going to win the match, and that is fine. A guy can lose a match and come out string if he is booked strong going into the match and during the match. If Carlito was made to be a threat and booked like he was a convincing threat and lost then the match would have been fine. But the fact is Carlito was booked like a complete jobber, he got almost no offense and was never a threat to win. He got outsmarted by the super face, and ate the pin. He came out of this no better than he went into it. Once again, this match didn't even feel like a PPV match; it felt like a match I can see on free TV on Monday, Tuesday or Friday. To me that is unacceptable. This show costs $40 and people expect a good effort, they expect great matches and memories; the things they have programmed us to want. But they did not deliver that here and in the end, a match that could have been pretty good or great came off as "just a TV match," and that's a shame. What could have been…

The Ridiculous:

WWE TITLE MATCH - I will begin by saying that I thought the angle, in theory was good here. Cena was out for vengeance, he was pissed and he wanted to take Orton out as well as get revenge for his father. Now that being said, and while I thought that they would do a DQ finish, that was bullshit. This is the second straight PPV in that they had a DQ finish in a world title match, that is bullshit. You cannot make a habit of doing DQ finishes in WORLD TITLE MATCHES on PPV. It shows that you will not deliver winners and losers and you alienate your fan base when you do that. That is bullshit. Now you add into this that the match was a shade over 7-minutes, and in all honesty Cena's poorest PPV match of the year and that is another knock against it. Finally, this all felt like a big angle on Raw to hype the PPV main event, like a go home angle. Which means that once again you are using PPV to build to another PPV. You don't shoot angles like that. You use TV to build to the PPV match. This was bullshit. These guys had such a great match at Summerslam, a silver lining in a pile of shit, but they weren't allowed to do that here, and it gets penalized for it. This kind of shit results in…

The Undertaker defeated Mark Henry - The return of the Undertaker was the hyped match for the show, and with that being said they decided to make this the main event of the show. While it was hyped huge, I disagree with the decision. Smackdown gets the PPV shaft all too often, and while this was a Smackdown match, who does the Smackdown main event have to rape to get to the main event of a PPV. I would think a PPV main event with a title involved, and a title change at that would have been a much better way to end things. But of course we couldn't do that because we had to have all of Taker's special entrance shit, fire and SIGNS on fire. Right. But this is what we were given as the main event of the show. It was no secret that during his run until the latest injury I thought that Taker was amazing, having the best matches of Batista's career during that run. Mark Henry, while not a favorite of mine has also been fine, booked strong and working hard. So I figured that while it would be the same old shit, that it would be in fact, a "fine" match. I was horribly wrong. Well, partly. This WAS the same old shit. Long entrance, elaborate entrance and Taker is alive again! And then they had the match, and it was slow, repetitive, boring and generally uninteresting. Add to that the fact that things never seemed to jell and click and you have a horrendous match and main event for the show. Although the way things went for the 2+ hours leading up to this match, it was only fitting.

Closing Thoughts:
Overall I will go with a 4.0 out of 10 and no recommendation. I beg and plead with WWE to deliver a PPV worth spending the cash on. WWE started off strong this year, with the exception of No Way Out, The Rumble, Mania and Backlash were HUGE and I thought that they would rebound from a very sub par PPV year that was 2006. But the have since declined. The biggest party of the summer was a sham, as it resembled an episode of Raw and then they rebound with much more of the same. WWE is like the abusive boyfriend and we all know it, but we keep going back and when we get slapped around, we threaten to leave, but always come back because we believe them when they say they will improve. They have no excuse, even with the suspensions they have the roster of talented guys to put on at least a DECENT show, and I still think that they could put on a really good show. But it didn't happen again, and that is very disappointing. What a missed opportunity.

Just some Pyros to start Unforgiven, then we see CM Punk on his way to the ring and we are ready for the 1st match!

ECW World Title
CM Punk vs. Elijah Burk

Bell rings and we lock up. The two lock up onto the ropes and roll along the ropes, then break. Punk shoves Burke. Back to work and Punk has a headlock applied, turned into a rear waist lock by Burke. Punk gets to his feet and drop toe holds Burke, then tries to apply an arm bar and does so. Burke gets to the ropes for the break.

Burke sends Punk to the corner; Punk springboards back and kicks Burke. Burke to the ropes and Punk hits a shot to the abdomen. Punk with a Russian legsweep with a float over and a two count only for Punk.

Punk snap mares Burke and connects with a HUGE kick to the spine on Burke. Punk hits a backbreaker on Burke and a two count to follow. Punk picks up Burke and whips him but reversed by Burke. Punk in the corner. Burke sends Punks legs in a 360 through the ropes and grabs him by the hair and flings him down to the mat back first.

Punk up now and hits a springboard flying clothesline from the ring apron to the inside. Two count for Punk. Outside we go as Burke slides out. Punk steps through the ropes to the apron after him and Burke grabs his feet out from under him and Punk back flops straight from the apron to the mat.

Back inside now and Burke is in charge with punches to the back of Punk. Goes for a lateral press and a two count. Immediately tries again and another two count for Burke. Elijah now goes for a Boston Crab, but Punk is fighting the maneuver, but Elijah applies it.

Burke hits a Hi-Lo on Punk and tries a pin but only gets two. Burke now applying a reverse Texas Cloverleif submission. Punk ultimately rolls through to break free. Burke then lets loose a barrage of blows to the lower back of Punk and he taunts him asking, "Why won't you quit?" Punk out of desperation hits an insiguri kick.

Burke hits a 4-Up and gets a two count. Punk out of nowhere rolls up Burke and scores the three count.

Winner: C.M. Punk

Michael Cole and JBL introduced themselves from ringside. JBL opted to fix his hair after appearing on Smackdown with bright highlights. Cole and JBL then broke down the program between Matt Hardy and MVP.

A recap of the Hardy-MVP situation is shown.

WWE Tag Team Title
MVP & Matt Hardy vs. Deuce & Domino (w/Cherry)

M.V.P. introduced first. His partner Matt Hardy is introduced next. Deuce & Domino are introduced last.

M.V.P. and Hardy are mouthing off to each other before the bell even rings. MVP tells Hardy to start off then suddenly he jumps in and says he wants to start. Domino in first. MVP arm drags Domino. They break. They circle again and MVP gets a waist lock and a scoop slam on Domino. Then he tags in Hardy.

Deuce and MVP in now and Deuce has MVP in the corner and chops him. Deuce send to the corner. MVP hits a big Bulldog out of the corner and climbs the ropes and mimics Matt Hardy. Matt tags himself in. Domino also tagged in. Matt with forearm shots and then is sent to the corner but kicks Domino in the face and scoop slams him, then climbs the second rope and hits the flying elbow drop. Hardy then makes fun of MVP with the Ballin' Elbow Drop. Deuce sneaks in and takes down Hardy and then Deuce is tagged in.

Deuce sends Hardy to the corner and charges. Matt sidesteps and rolls up Deuce, but only gets a two count. Domino in now. Scoop slam and a snap legdrop on Hardy, followed by a two count. Deuce back in now.

MVP yelling to Hardy, telling him to look as he is about to be hit by Deuce. Hardy hits a Side Effect on Deuce and both men are down on the mat. Domino tagged in and he quickly runs over to MVP and knees him off the mat and gets a two count on Matt. He applies a rear chinlock on Hardy in the middle of the ring, but Matt reverses with a Jawjacker. MVP is still on the floor outside and is teasing leaving Matt alone. Matt tells him he better not leave and then MVP turns and leaves. Deuce and Domino hit a double team suplex and get a two count. MVP comes back to the ring.

Matt makes a tag to MVP who didn't even realize he was tagged. He gets in and takes out Deuce then hits a big back body drop on him. Domino comes in and gets a knee to the face. Deuce charges MVP and gets drop toe held. MVP calls for the Ballin' Elbow drop, but Matt tags himself in as he hits the ropes. Matt then jumps in and takes MVP and sends him into Domino headfirst. Matt hits Twist of Fate on Deuce and pins him for the victory.

Winners: MVP & Matt Hardy

Hardy celebrated with all the title belts, then dropped the U.S. belt on MVP, who was sitting on the mat and fuming. Hardy then left with both tag belts.

They aired a video package hyping the Hall of Fame DVD. Cole and JBL talked about the Khali vs. Batista vs. Rey match. They aired a Mobile Exclusive interview with Rey Mysterio from earlier in the weekend. Rey said he's not 100 percent and he's never felt pain like that before (being Clawed by Khali two weeks ago), but he will be at Unforgiven. Rey said it's just plain over when Khali slaps on the Claw. He said the key to winning isn't breaking the hold, but figuring out how to avoid the hold all together. Michael Cole said some wrestling experts said Rey doesn't have a chance tonight. Rey said he hopes to shock everyone tonight.

In a small note, no backstage's segments yet. Very strange...

They're going to Hunter vs. Carlito as third mach on the card. Hunter made his elaborate entrance first, followed by Carlito.

No DQ For Carlito's only Match
Triple H vs. Carlito

Carlito makes his way to the ring second. Carlito charges Triple H to start off. Hunter quickly gains the upper hand offensively and Carlito slides outside to bring in a trashcan. Triple H brings him in the hard way, by the hair, and then clotheslines him out to the other side.

Triple H goes outside after him and drives Carlito back first across the fan barricade and then the same onto the ring apron. Back inside now and HHH hits a driving elbow to the back, and another.

Backbreaker by Triple H. Now an abdominal stretch is applied, and he uses the rope for leverage while the referee does not see. Ref checks and Triple H lets go. Ref back in position and Triple H uses the rope again. Ref checks again and Triple H is confused. Ref goes around Triple H to check and on the ref's blind side HHH yanks Carlito's hair. He breaks the hold and Carlito goes outside to get a TV monitor.

Carlito gets a ring bell and clocks Triple H across the back. Inside now and Carlito is choking out Triple H with a cable. Now he chokes him across the bottom rope.

Carlito breaks the hold and grabs his apple, and bites. He goes to spew it in HHH's face when Triple H clocks him and he spits it up in the air. Carlito then grabs a trashcan and clocks Triple H on the head and follows up with a few more shots to a fallen Hunter.

Carlito hits a back suplex on Hunter, through the trashcan. Two count for Carlito. He is infuriated and goes outside to get another trash can.

Carlito gave Triple H a back suplex into the side of the trash can, crushing it, and got a two count. Carlito then went for a third trash can and wedged it in a corner between the ropes. Carlito went for a whip, but ending up getting clotheslined by Triple H. Carlito ducked another clothesline, but was hit with a jumping knee. Carlito reversed a whip and went for a backdrop, but Triple H gave him a facebuster on the knee for a two count. Triple H hit some punches in the corner, but Carlito came back with powder to the face. Carlito went to the floor and grabbed a chair. As he went for the chairshot, Triple H scooped him up and hit a spinebuster. Triple H picked up the chair, but the referee took it away. As the ref was putting it back at ringside, Carlito went after Triple H with a trash can. Triple H hit Carlito with a low blow (unseen by the referee) and hit the Pedigree for the win at the eleven minute mark.

Winner: Triple H


Maria interviewed Batista for the World Title match. Batista looked down Maria's half-top before cutting a promo about his good friend, Rey Mysterio, and current world champion Great Khali. Batista said he's leaving tonight as three-time World champion.

WWE Women's Title
Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth Phoenix introduced first. Candice introduced next. We lock up and Beth tosses Candice to the mat. We lock up again and Candice applies a side headlock but is tossed off again by Beth.

Lock up for a third time and Candice applies a waist lock. Beth turns it into a wristlock and picks her up by one arm and tosses Candice to the mat. Candice has an arm locked on the apron, over the ropes. She leaps in over the ropes and arm drags Beth. Phoenix then turns a Candice head scissors in to a powerbomb and now is in charge.

Beth then applies a double underhook submission and then tosses Candice. Two count for Beth, who then applies a rear chinlock.

Beth then applies a double underhook submission and then tosses Candice. Two count for Beth, who then applies a rear chinlock. Candice tries to twist out but cannot. Beth puts Candice in the corner and chops her twice. Candice then applies a body scissors, then a headscissors and kicks Beth in the head. Beth hits a back elbow on Candice and stops her momentum.

Candice goes for a clothesline, but gets caught and driven into the turnbuckle. Beth military presses Candice and slams her down. Beth rolls Candice over and nonchalantly pins her but gets only two. She is visibly upset now, and picks her up, then tries to toss her up to her shoulders in a fireman's carry. Candice instead rolls through into a rollup and scores the pinfall for the victory.

Winner: Candice Michelle

Candice went right to the floor, while Phoenix just boiled with anger in the ring. They showed strands of Candice's hair on the mat.


Todd Grisham interviewed Great Khali and Translator Guy about the title match. TG said Khali laughed heartily after hearing Rey and Batista's comments earlier. Khali was not in a laughing mood, though. TG then pulled out a cantaloupe and put Rey's mask over it. Khali then squashed Rey's head. Batista apparently has a much-larger head than Rey's due to um... natural causes, and TG pulled out a watermelon. Khali proceeded to squash the watermelon. That's a waste of a valuable fruit commodity. TG proceeded to chant, "Khali, Cinnabon" or something like that over and over. Maybe I'm just hungry. Definitely not as catchy as All Hail King Booker.

World Heavyweight Title
Triple Threat Match
The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio

Batista is introduced first. Followed by Rey Mysterio. Last we have the champion, Great Khali.

We have a bell and Rey and Batista double team Khali who tosses Rey out and choke tosses Batista into the corner.

Kicks to the gut of Batista until he falls to the floor. Khali then picks him up and drives elbows. Batista quickly turns it around and shoulder blocks Khali a few times, then sends Rey into Khali. Rey and Batista double teaming Khali in the corner now. Rey suddenly rolls up Batista out of nowhere and gets a two count.

Rey hits a flying headscissors on Batista and a two count. Rey on the apron, shoulderblocks Batista twice then springboards in onto Batista, taking him down. Rey then quickly gets to a vertical base and charges Khali who boots him.

Khali goes for a Vice Grip and its blocked. Tries again, and applies it. Rey with a chair from behind, clocks Khali on the back. Khali throws Batista down and grabs Khali and clocks him in the head. Khali goes outside and takes out Batista. Back inside he goes.

Khali choke tosses Rey into the corner, stomps him, and boot chokes him.

Khali short arm clotheslines Rey to the mat. Khali applies a nerve hold now to Rey. Rey turns around and throws punches. Khali big boots Rey and applies a Vice Grip. Batista slides in and kicks Khali and he gets tied up in the ropes. Batista clocks Khali a few times. Rey in and he hurricanradas Batista then hits a 619. He then hits a 619 on Khali. He leaps in and lands on Khali for a pin. Batista grabs Mysterio and powerbombs him on Khali. Batista then shoves Rey down and Spinebusts Khali for the pinfall and the victory!

Winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion: Batista

Video highlight is shown of this past Monday's Raw where we found Hornswoggle is Mr. McMahon's son, both Mr. McMahon and "Hornswoggle McMahon" will be at Raw tomorrow night.


Triple H congratulates Batista on winning the belt.

World Tag Team Title
Cade & Murdoch vs. London & Kendrick

Kendrick and Cade start off and lock up. Cade backs Kendrick into the corner and a break is called. Cade openly breaks. Kendrick with a hammerlock, reversed by Cade. Kendrick rolls out and wrings the arm. Kendrick to the ropes and gets hip tossed.

Lock up again and Cade in control. Kendrick fights back, leap frogs Cade and dropkicks him. Murdoch runs in and gets dropkicked as well. Cade tags in Murdoch, who chops Kendrick. Murdoch tries a suplex but Kendrick reverses into an inside cradle and gets two. London tagged in and he flies in elbowing Murdoch, then tags Kendrick right back in. Kendrick flies in with an elbow as well. Tag back to London. Big kick to Murdoch.

London leaps in over the ropes and dropkicks Murdoch, two count only. Kendrick tagged in again and leaps in, with a sunset flip and gets two. Murdoch pops up and back elbow smashes Kendrick as he whips off the ropes. Cade tagged in now. And gets double team clotheslined outside by London and Kendrick.

Kendrick hits a suicide dive to the outside. Back in the ring now and Murdoch pins Kendrick near the ropes, and he gets his foot on them. Cade tagged in and clotheslines Kendrick and gets only two. Murdoch in now and he whops Kendrick to the ropes, telegraphs the back body drop, and Kendrick sees it, and kicks him in the head. Cade tagged in. He plants Kendrick on the ropes, seated. Cade hits a big powerslam on Kendrick. He goes for a pin and London interrupts.

Murdoch in now and he applies a neck wrench on Kendrick. Murdoch tries a flying double axe handle smash but Kendrick gets the boot up and both men are down. Murdoch crawls over and tags in Cade. Kendrick desperately dives for a tag to London. London in and he hits a standing hurricanrada on Cade. He then hits a springboard double foot stomp on Cade.

Cade climbs the ropes and misses a flying elbow drop. London rolls away then hits a standing Moonsault on a fallen Cade. Two count. Kendrick tagged in; he climbs the ropes and hits a flying cross body. Two count.

Murdoch hits a big boot to the head of Kendrick and pins him. He barely kicks out. Murdoch charges at Kendrick who moves. London runs in and clocks Cade. As the ref takes London out Cade spinebusts Kendrick. Murdoch then quickly pins London and scores the pinfall!

Winners: Cade & Murdoch

A video package on the John Cena vs. Randy Orton feud was shown.

WWE Title
John Cena vs. Randy Orton

Randy Orton is introduced first, John Cena makes his way to the ring next. Cena's father is seated in the front row. Cena stands in between his father's seat and Orton who is in the ring. The two stare each other down. Cena is fired up, trembling with rage, and he attacks Orton. The two exchange blows furiously. Orton covering up. Fans are booing loudly.

Cena now takes a right hand to Orton. Orton sent outside and Cena with a blatant choke on Orton. Inside the ring now and Cena tries an STFU but Orton wriggles free.

Orton battles back with an uppercut of Orton. Orton now yanks Cena in through the ropes and applies a front chancery with Cena's feet on the middle ropes, and then drops the DDT. Cover…1…2…kick out for Cena!

Orton with a side headlock on Cena now. Cena eyes the bottom ropes and reaching. Instead he gets to his feet and battles out of the hold. He turns around and clocks Orton in the gut and then the face. Fans booing like crazy. Cena clotheslines Orton and is getting an adrenaline rush. He is throwing punches erratically in the corner. The referee then suddenly calls for the bell and disqualifies John Cena.

Winner by DQ: Randy Orton

Orton, from the apron, pulled Cena throat first across the top rope. Orton then grabbed Cena's dad and pulled him over the barricade to the floor. Orton was measuring for a kick, but Cena tackled Orton on the floor and put him in the STFU. Cena then yelled to his dad, and Papa Cena kicked Orton in the head while he was in the STFU. Papa Cena then walked out, followed by security, while Cena stood over the unconscious Orton.


Jonathan Coachman read Papa Cena the riot act, saying he came here tonight to distract Randy Orton. Coach said Cena intentionally got disqualified to save his title. Coachman said next time Orton and Cena meet, there will be no DQs, countouts, pinfalls or submissions. Coachman said Cena will face Orton in a Last Man Standing match. John Cena entered and roughed up Coachman, saying you mess with his family, you mess with him. Cena shoved down Coachman, hugged his dad, and the Cena's left.

Back in the arena, JBL said we would be seeing Cena vs. Orton in a Last Man Standing match at No Mercy. Coach didn't say that, but JBL did.

A video package on The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry feud was shown.

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Henry's music concludes, and we have silence for about a minute as the smoke begins to roll in. Finally, the bell tolls and the lights hit.

Lightening strikes two Undertaker symbols and light them ablaze. Out he comes with the same look as when he left. He slowly makes his way to the ring as he ignites pyro with his arm motions, the stage is completely in flames as he enters. Long, but really amazing entry!

Taker and Henry stand staring at each other. They come to the center of the ring and go nose to nose. Taker backs Henry a few steps and unloads a right hand as the bell rings. He strikes Henry a few times and charges with a Stinger Splash. He backs up and goes for a second but gets caught by Henry who turns and smashes him in the corner. Taker retaliates with a big boot and a few punch to follow.

Taker has Henry in the corner and works the arm. He wrings the arm and climbs the ropes for Old School. As he climbs, Henry counters with a punch to the gut.

Henry climbs with Taker now but gets punched a few times. He headbutts Taker and sets up a superplex and connects. Mark slowly up to his feet and he slaps Taker in the corner now. Taker turns it around and returns the punches. Taker back in the corner again and gets clotheslined down by Henry.

Taker brings the battle to the outside of the ring and clocks Henry a few times in the face. He rolls in and out to break the 10 count. Henry retaliates now by ramming Taker's back into the apron repeatedly. Back inside the ring now and Henry clotheslines Taker.

Henry hits a splash on Taker and a two count. Henry picks up Taker and scoop slams him. Taker SITS UP! Slaps a choke on Henry and backs him in the corner where he unloads right hands.

Taker climbs the ropes and hits Old School on Henry. He calls for the Chokeslam and slaps it on. He HITS THE CHOKESLAM! He goes for the pin and Henry kicks out.

Taker goes for the Last Ride, but Henry battles free and hits the ropes. Taker counters with a big boot. Taker off the ropes and Henry catches him in a Bear Hug.

Henry now climbs the turnbuckle, Taker breaks out and hits the Last Ride for the pinfall and the victory!

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