lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2007

michael mukasey

Retired judge Michael Mukasey is intimately familiar with the nation's legal battles over terrorism. He played a central role in such cases for over a decade - much of that time getting around-the-clock protection from armed guards.

Mukasey, 66, once worked as a reporter, but gave it up to pursue a career in law. He was nominated to the federal bench in 1987 by President Reagan and eventually became the chief judge of the high-profile Manhattan courthouse.

As such, he played a key role in the nation's response to the Sept. 11 attacks, which brought down the World Trade Center towers just blocks from Mukasey's courthouse.

In the days after the attacks, Mukasey and other New York judges worked behind closed doors, seeing some of the first material witnesses detained by federal authorities.

Civil liberties advocates contended the material witness cases amounted to an unconstitutional roundup, and an inspector general's report later found that many of the witnesses were subjected to physical and verbal abuse while held in a Brooklyn jail.

Mukasey also had a hand in one of the most hard-fought post-Sept. 11 terror cases: that of Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen who was arrested in 2002 on a supposed mission to detonate a "dirty bomb."

The judge appointed a lawyer to represent Padilla, but before a hearing on whether there was sufficient cause to detain Padilla, President Bush declared him an enemy combatant. That started a legal odyssey that ended with Padilla in a different federal court. He was convicted last month of murder conspiracy, and faces sentencing later this year.

Mukasey wrote an opinion piece recently in which he argued the Padilla case shows the current legal system is not well-equipped to aid a largely military effort to fight terrorists. He urged Congress to consider passing new laws to improve what he said was a mismatched legal system.

Mukasey handled terrorist cases for more than a decade.

In the 1996 sentencing of co-conspirators in a plot to blow up several New York City landmarks, Mukasey accused Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman of trying to spread death "in a scale unseen in this country since the Civil War." He then sentenced the blind sheik to life in prison.

There was a time when Bush administration officials held a dimmer view of Mukasey's handling of that case, partly because it took 1-1/2 years to reach trial, a massive undertaking with more than 150 witnesses and 1,500 exhibits. The case ended with 11 convictions.

After the 2001 attacks, the government transferred the most important terror defendant, Zacarias Moussaoui, from New York to Virginia, where they hoped the Virginia court's "rocket docket" would swiftly deliver the case to jurors more inclined to choose the death penalty.

Mukasey, then the chief judge in New York, had a caustic rejoinder to suggestions his courthouse was too slow to deal with terrorists.

"It's easy to have a rocket docket when you have horse-and-buggy cases," Mukasey said.

Like most judges with a long track record, Mukasey has also shot down some high-profile prosecutions.

Just last year, he ordered a mentally ill woman released from jail after she was charged with helping an Iraq spy agency under Saddam Hussein.

The judge rebuffed prosecutors who brought the charges, saying "there is no indication that (she) ever came close to influencing anyone, or could have."

Mukasey's long experience with terror suspects had consequences in his personal life: He and his wife were given around-the-clock protection from deputy U.S. marshals.

The protection given to Mukasey and another judge in New York City lasted at least eight years - far exceeding that of other federal judges around the country.

About three dozen deputies filed a grievance in 2005 complaining that the two judges and their spouses abused their position and compromised security by expecting their bodyguards "to carry groceries, luggage and golf clubs." If they objected, the protectees subjected them to "condescending comments," according to the grievance.

Mukasey may have made enemies, but he also made powerful friends.

He and his son, Marc Mukasey, are justice advisers to Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign. Marc Mukasey also works at Giuliani's law firm.

Michael Mukasey was the judge who swore in Mayor-elect Giuliani in 1994 and 1998.

He also has boosters among some of Bush's toughest Democratic critics. New York Sen. Charles Schumer had previously recommended Mukasey for the Supreme Court. Education
Mukasey attended Columbia, recieving his B.A. in 1963, and Yale Law School, receiving his LL.B. in 1967. He practiced law for 20 years in New York City, serving for four years as an Assistant United States Attorney in the federal prosecutor's office[1] in which he worked with Rudolph Giuliani. Later, he was as a member of the New York law firm of Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler.

[edit] Judicial Career
In 1987, Mukasey was nominated as a federal judge in Manhattan by President Ronald Reagan. He served in that position for 19 years and was Chief Judge of the Southern District of New York from 2000 to July 2006. During his tenure on the bench, Mukasey presided over the criminal prosecution of Omar Abdel Rahman and El Sayyid Nosair, whom he sentenced to life in prison for a plot to blow up the United Nations and other Manhattan landmarks uncovered during an investigation into the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.[3] During that case, Mukasey spoke out against leaks by law enforcement officials regarding the facts of the case allegedly aimed at prejudicing potential jurors against the defendants.[4]

Mukasey also heard the trial of Jose Padilla, ruling that the U.S. citizen and alleged terrorist could be held as an enemy combatant, but was entitled to see his lawyers. Mukasey also was the judge in the litigation between developer Larry Silverstein and several insurance companies arising from the destruction of the World Trade Center.[3] In a 2003 suit, he issued a preliminary injunction preventing the Motion Picture Association of America from enforcing its ban against the distribution of screener copies of films during awards season, ruling that the ban was likely an unlawful restraint of trade unfair to independent filmmakers.

In June 2003, Democratic New York Senator Charles Schumer submitted Mukasey's name, along with four other Republicans or Republican appointees, as a suggestion for Bush to consider for nomination to the Supreme Court.[5] On the March 18, 2007, episode of Meet the Press, Schumer again suggested Mukasey as a potential Attorney General nominee who, "by [his] reputation and character, shows that [he] put rule of law first."[6]

[edit] Retirement
In June 2006, Mukasey announced that he would retire as a judge and return to private practice at the end of the summer. On August 1, 2006, he was succeeded as Chief Judge of the Southern District by Judge Kimba Wood. Mukasey's retirement took effect on September 9, 2006. On September 12, 2006, Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler announced that Mukasey had rejoined the firm as a partner. [7]

On August 22, 2007, the Wall Street Journal published Mukasey's op-ed, prompted by the resolution of the Padilla prosecution, in which he argued that "current institutions and statutes are not well suited to even the limited task of supplementing . . . a military effort to combat Islamic terrorism." Mukasey instead advocated for Congress, which "has the constitutional authority to establish additional inferior courts," to "turn [its] considerable talents to deliberating how to fix a strained and mismatched legal system."[8]

Since retiring from the bench, Mukasey has made campaign contributions to Giuliani for president and Joe Lieberman for Senate.[9] Mukasey is also listed on the Giuliani campaign's Justice Advisory Committee.[10]

[edit] Nomination as Attorney General
On September 16, 2007, various publications reported that Mukasey accepted Bush's offer to replace Alberto Gonzales as the Attorney General.[2

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