viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2007

jake byrd

The O.J. Simpson case brought out a lot of folks from across the country Wednesday. Many hoped to catch of glimpse of O.J. Others just wanted to get on TV. And as Eyewitness News found out, some just had loud opinions that had to be heard.

Yale Galanter, Simpson's longtime attorney said, "There is nothing unusual about this case."

Nothing unusual about O.J.? Oh, contraire. They have come like moths to a flame -- maybe more like a swarm of locusts. A match made in heaven for the hungry media pack -- the O.J. Sideshow.

They peddled just about everything, including one woman yelling, "Free juice! Free juice!"

Maybe it's just a morbid curiosity mixed with a un-ending desire for attention, much to the confusion of many.

"I'm down here because I don't want to see O.J. get railroaded again. Thank you." Jake Byrd is a popular fixture at celebrity trials. A plant from a TV show, Byrd paraded out his unique brand of comedy, even interrupting a news conference.

"Nice work, man. Up high!" said Byrd. But packing his own signature line of logic. "I support the famous because they don't have a voice to speak out for themselves."

Uh huh. The rich and powerful are voiceless. But in a city known for sin, attention was wandering. "My eyes are up here. Thank you," said Byrd.

But the shirts make a statement Kim Cone and her husband can't. "They were hot off the press when we packed them up. No joke," she said. After a red eye from Florida, and a busy morning, Kim and company had a lot of support.

"Hopefully the man will not get away with anything anymore," said Cone. But on a day where some called for old time justice, really old time justice, it just seemed like every dog had its day.

The protests and signs of support were all peaceful Wednesday.

Clark County officers and Metro police allowed anyone to come and voice their opinions. And most expect to be back at the next court date in October.

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